Posted by: deeestinations | October 29, 2009

Online tickets from CFR


CFR Calatori launches the online tickets purchase service on Friday, October 30th. The service is available for natural and legal persons and only for internal routes. (Ziarul Financiar)


  1. tot degeaba…

  2. They should really do something about the infrastructure. Nonetheless I appreciate the new service. Hopefully it will actually work 🙂

  3. si nu numai…azi cand eram in tren am auzit ca au si niste tarife speciale pentru cei care calatoresc mai mult. scot un fel de cartele.
    dar, corect, degeaba, atata timp cat din cauza birocratiei romanesti sau ce-o fi, eu, student bugetar, a trebuit sa platesc biletul intreg deoarece legitimatiile sunt ‘pe drum’. exista un LAG in perioada octombrie-noiembrie in care se arunca vina de la unii la altii iar noi platim. dublu

  4. I’m so curious if this will actually work. Ana, Oana, people who travel by CFR…I`m awaiting feedback after your first ticket bought online:)

    • I don’t trust them. I wouldn’t want to find myself seatless and with my money in their pockets. so… no buying online for me.

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